Yesterday afternoon (after walking 33 minutes yesterday morning), I got the "energy" to want to walk again. After just a few seconds of coaxing, I got Bob on board and we walked another 30 minutes. We walked the trail twice yesterday!! By last night my upper back was so tight and my legs were rebelling also. It was nothing that 4 Ibuprofen didn't take care of though. This morning Bob was feeling it but we still walked this afternoon....just not on the trail!
I did my measurements this morning and I am happy to post on my blog, that I did in fact lose some inches. For those who are interested I am listing my success. For those who are not interested, skip to the next paragraph now.
Waist - I have lost 2 1/4"Thigh- I have lost 1 1/4"
Hips - I have lost 1 1/2"
Bust- I have lost 1/2" (but honestly that is where I would want to lose the least!)
Upper Arm- I have lost 1 1/4".
I only measured 1 thigh and 1 arm so if I double what I lost in those 2 areas, I have lost a total of 9 1/4".
On a completely different subject....I am leaving tomorrow for CO to be with Kimberly when Colton is born; and of course I am staying a while to get to know Colton! I have spent today and last night fixing meals, snacks, etc, for Bob while I am gone. I think he should be pretty stocked on food for the most part. We will definitely miss each other but this is for a good cause. I will do what I can to stick to this 10 week challenge while I am away!
OMG, you are doing SO great! You go Woman! Keep up the GREAT work! and...Safe Journeys!
Congrats Jo!!!! I am so proud of you!! You rock!!!!
That is SO awesome! Keep up the great work!
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