Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A New Beginning For 2011!

It doesn't matter if we are already almost half way through 2011...  I have thought a lot about the 10 week challenge I was involved with almost 1-1/2 years ago!  I just read through Kelli's blog looking at what each day/week's challenge was.  I have mentioned doing the challenge again a few times, but last night I decided I would start it again on my own.  It helped so much to have others in the challenge, but I know I can do this.  I also know I can talk with and/or email my daughters and they will give me encouragement. The first week is journal writing:

Day 1:  Three goals I want to accomplish
Day 2: Three nutritional goals
Day 3:  Write down everything I eat, drink or chew today
Day 4:  Five things that make me happy
Day 5:  Three fitness goals
Day 6:  What do I hope to accomplish in this 10 week challenge
Day 7:  What will I reward myself with at the end of this challenge

I decided if I write on my blog again each day, it will make me more accountable for my own actions and help me acheive the goals I want to reach.  With that said....3 goals I want to accomplish are:

1:  Feel good about me!  Be honest with myself and who I am!
2:  Lose at least 15 pounds!
3:  Build up my business!

In the 2010 challenge one goal I decided on was to lose 10 pounds.  I lost 14 pounds.  If I work even harder I know I can lose at least 15 and hopefully more!  Everything about me during the first challenge was so much better.  The way I looked, felt and how I handled situations.  I had great energy, I slept better, my skin looked really healthy and I just felt great overall.  I have kept the weight off and I know that part of that has to do with the sickness and death of my Dad.  I still need to lose quite a bit more and this challenge is what I need.  Anyone that wants to join in or follow along on my journey, is more than welcome.  And if you want to leave a comment for inspiration and encouragement, that is totally welcomed!  You can also scroll back to the beginning of this blog and read about my accomplishments and thoughts during the 2010 Challenge.  Check in on my daily to see my progress.  I hope to hear from you!

1 comment:

Kelli said...

You will do fabulous because you get your stubborn side from me. Oh wait...

We're here for you!