Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Week 5 (Portion Control)

I'll just say I'll try!  The numbers on the scale are pretty much staying the same.  At least they are not going up.  I know I am not giving it my all this time around.  That in itself is frustrating to me.  I haven't been walking but I have been working in the yard, etc.  I guess I use that time as "cardio" and I shouldn't.  I need to try to refocus and stick with it.  I have pretty much realized I am only drinking diet coke when we go out to eat.  I haven't had it at home for a while even though we have it in the fridge.   I am also doing really well at not eating anything after 7pm.  I also have noticed that I am not snacking near as much as I was.  I seem to be doing better on the eating side of things so my guess is the numbers aren't going to change until I commit to the exercise!!

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