Sunday, March 14, 2010

This Is It!!

This is it!  (At least for the 10 week challenge.)  I lost another 11oz!  I told that to Bob and he said, "that's almost a pound!"  I am not complaining by any means.  After all...we went to Fatburger on Tuesday with a friend (and had yummy Thrifty ice cream afterwards) and yesterday it was Applebees.  I also lost another 1/4" in each thigh and 1/2" in my waist...I missed losing 14 pounds by only 2 ounces.  My goal was to lose at least 10 pounds so I am very proud of myself.   I have lost 21" overall.  Very happy!  I realize if I would have given up certain foods I could have lost even more.  I will not give up foods I like I am not dieting.  I eat what I want and have realized I just don't need to eat as much.  I do eat slower and I stop eating when I am full.  I am also conscientious of the portions.  Sometimes a little more of something sounds good, but I have built up my willpower and I can drink water to finish off the  need  "want"  for more.  Over the next few weeks and months I will continue posting my successes and defeats on my blog.  Knowing people are reading it and following my progress still continues to motivate me.  I have not lost any of my enthusiasm that I had at the beginning of the 10 week challenge.  Knowing I can accomplish the smaller goals makes it even more real to me that I can accomplish whatever I put my heart into!  This was a great challenge and from it I will take so many things that will help me to continue to better myself.

1 comment:

Stefany said...

Way to go! What an inspiration! i started my "diet" last week thanks to your inspiration!!